How do I add a Send to Myself link in the Share menu of iOS?

in iOS, when I'm reading an article or when I see a picture I want to save, I just click on Share and use Mail to send it to my own email box.

During a few days I had the opportunity to send it to my mail by using the Favorites line in Share menu but now it only contains sending text messages to friends.

Is it possible to configure this Favorites line in Share Menu ?

Or if not, is there a way to make a Shortcut that would automatically take the item i want to share and send it to a pre-configured email box in just one tap ?


Solution 1:

Assuming it works on suggestions and you changed nothing in email configurations, best shot is to take the pain of using the longer route. Send some emails to yourself and it should be back.

Also consider using reading list in Safari.

For shortcuts in iOS, see