LibreOffice Calc: How to remove a character from multiple columns

Solution 1:

Just use =right(A1,8) and drag it down. Right will always give you the X rightmost characters of the string and given it's consistent in this string, it will be the simplest solution.

Solution 2:

If your strings are of unequal length you can use the mid() and len() commands combined.

In your example the command would be: =MID(A1,2,LEN(A1))

Drag it down as in the answer above.

How does it work?

MID returns a sub-string of a string specified as: MID([string], [start index], [end index]). If the [end index] varies, using LEN(A1) specifies the length of the particular string.

Solution 3:

The function you are looking for is the text command, SUBSTITUTE("Text"; "SearchText"; "NewText"; Occurrence)