Mutt will not let me save an SSL certificate

I have just set up Mutt to connect to my firm's IMAP and SMTP server. Everything works; but when I launch mutt, I get a warning about the certificate, and am given the option to:

(r)eject, accept (o)nce

I do not get an option to (a)ccept it or any other way to save it. I suspect the server is misconfigured because Mutt says:

WARNING: Server certificate has expired
WARNING: Server hostname does not match certificate

However, I would still like to save the certificate. After all, it is more secure to get the machine to accept a particular, fixed, cert than to get into the habbit of hitting o every time I launch mutt.

BTW: something similar seems to happen every time I send the mail too. The SMTP and IMAP servers are on the same machine.

[UPDATE: partial solution]

After a bit of RTFM I found out that you can add

set ssl_verify_host = no
set ssl_verify_dates = no

to .muttrc, to disable the checks. This makes mutt treat the cert as OK, and lets you save it. The problem is that even after it is saved, you must keep those to settings. Worse, they are global settings, so if I ever start using multiple servers, they will all be less secure.

Does anyone have better ideas?

Solution 1:

I solved it by creating an empty folder named .mutt in my home directory. Mutt was searching for that. Why it doesn't create it by default is beyond my comprehension.