How to override wincmd.ini location?

How to override wincmd.ini location after Total Commander was installed? I can't seem to find a menu item for this setting. Where is this setting stored? Operating system is Windows XP or Windows 7 32bit.

First, edit wincmd.ini, look for UseIniInProgramDir= and set it to 7.

UseIniInProgramDir=Flags sum This variable will only be read if the wincmd.ini is located in the same dir as the program. It is the sum of the following values : 0: Disabled 1: Use wincmd.ini in the program-dir. if no other location is set via the registry or parameters 2: Use wcx_ftp.ini in the program-dir. if no other location is set via the registry or parameters 4: Override the registry settings (but not the command line parameters)

Then, edit the shortcut to Total Commander so that it looks like this:

TC_path\TOTALCMD.EXE /i=config_path/wincmd.ini

Where TC_path is the path to totalcmd.exe and config_path is the desired path to wincmd.ini

If you simply want to move the ini-file; You can use the tool inireloc from the Total Commander addons page at: or check:

I've needed this too, But for 2 files: wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini.

totalcmd.exe /I=%pdrive%/totalcmd/MyCMDs.ini /F=%pdrive%/totalcmd/MyFTP.ini

I made a copy of the original files and renamed them for personal reference. You might have to change directories: Mine is c:\totalcmd\.

While I use the command-line arguments in shortcuts (.lnk files) when running from my thumbdrive, on my machine I set the registry to the location I want. This allows me to change the name of the wincmd.ini file per machine, without worrying about which shortcut to run.

The registry location is here (displayed as a .REG file):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander]

To apply the same location to the whole system (all users), use the following key instead. But, settings in each user's HKEY_CURRENT_USER key will still override HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander]

NOTE: You will probably have to replace the envars in my example with real locations before importing it.

There is actually a detailed explanation of where total commander looks for it's ini files. I personally use the registry method to relocate mine: