Can I make an item look like it has different enchantments than it actually does?

I want a Riptide X trident, but for secrecy purposes, I want it to only look like it is a Riptide III trident.

How can I use Minecraft commands to make an item display different enchantments than it actually has?

Solution 1:

You would need to use the hideFlags nbt tag to hide the enchantments, then you can use a lore tag to show a dummy enchantment.

Note: the item will say it has 4 nbt tags with the advanced tooltips debug feature.

/give @s minecraft:trident{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:riptide",lvl:10}],HideFlags:1,display:{Lore:["{\"text\":\"Riptide III\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"italic\":\"false\"}"]}} 1