$PATH doesn't show .bash_profile, only shows /etc/paths

Solution 1:

For anyone who experiences this issue, I apparently it was broken after my zsh update.

Found the solution here:

.bash_profile is a file read only by bash, which is not compatible with zsh. If we start sourcing .bash_profile bad things will start to happen. Instead, you should copy those ENV vars to the .zshrc file, preferably at the end of it.

Apparently you have to put everything into .zshrc instead of .bash_profile after this update. Some things might work a little different, btw, e.g. PROMPT colors. That wasn't an issue in this case, though.

Note that like with bash, there's a bunch of other files that may be sourced depending on the kind of shell you open that can contain various different settings, see here for a related question.