React-Bootstrap - How to activate a Tab outside NavItem

I want to change tab without clicking on the NavItem evtKey="x"

If I have a TabContainer like this :

      <Tab.Container id="tabcontainer" defaultActiveKey="a">
          <Tab.Content animation>
            <Tab.Pane eventKey="a">
              <ComponentA />
            <Tab.Pane eventKey="b">
              <Componentb />
          <Nav stacked bsStyle="pills" pullLeft>
             ... NavItems ...

I want to know how I can do this :


inside ComponentA.

Solution 1:

The tab container, replaced defaultKey with activeKey={this.state.key}, and managed the state of the parent with a function, passed as a prop to ComponentA.

on the parent of the Tab.Container

    this.setState({ key : key })

 render() {
    ... render stuff ...

    return (
       <Tab.Container id="tabcontainer" activeKey={this.state.key}>
            <Tab.Content animation>
              <Tab.Pane eventKey="a">
                <ComponentA changeTab={this.handleSelect}/>
              <Tab.Pane eventKey="b">
                <ComponentB />
            <Nav stacked bsStyle="pills" pullLeft>
               ... NavItems ...

And on the Component A
