How do I recover Windows 7 after a rash Ubuntu install?

Solution 1:

David, I'm afraid the suggestion by Pl3ppp won't work for your situation since installing Ubuntu alters the master boot record. Your best bet is to use the Windows 7 disk in order to perform an OS recovery. If you need a Windows 7 disk you should be able to request one from the PC manufacturer. I believe you might be able to get it for free.

In the future instead of dual booting I'd suggest installing the alternate OS on a large thumb-drive (8GB or 16GB) or an external hard drive and then telling the BIOS to boot using the alternate device. It should eliminate some if not all of the headache you're experiencing now.

Solution 2:

Have you booted from a Windows 7 disk and attempted a repair? That may be of some assistance. However, I would be sure to back up all data on teh 289GB partition that you can still access.