Why does my plane roll so hard?

I started playing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and I’ve managed most of the basics now, but there’s still one major problem I’m dealing with.

No matter what settings I have my plane will have a massive tendency to roll right. I thought this might be an issue with the rudders, but the plane is rolling - not yawing. Trim and flaps seem to be normal too.

I’ve done my best to factor other common issues - I have this issue with assists both turned on and off. This affects both propeller planes and jet planes - and the spin of propellers gives them a tendency to roll left anyway.

The only things I think could account for it is an issue with my controller, which I feel I can factor out after the issue persisted on a second controller; or possibly an issue with which fuel tank my plane is operating from, but the roll is so severe I don’t think that’s it either.

What might be causing my plane to roll hard?

It looks like there were two issues I needed to address to fix the tendency to roll the plane. Firstly, I had some form of auto assist enabled which would engage the rudder of my plane but never disengage it. I don't know which assist may have caused it to never disengage, but the rudder would be locked, giving the plane a perpetual yaw, and thus a slight tendency to roll, unless I manually overrode the rudder with my plane's pedals. I suspect it's an issue with takeoff assist trying to keep my plane on the center line, but I'm not completely sure. I disabled nearly all assists and my rate of rolling decreased.

The other, larger issue was the dead zone on my two controllers. Both controllers I was using to operate the plane had a slightly stuck thumbstick which would always pitch the nose down and roll the plane to the right. I had ruled out the controllers because they both had the same result, but they were actually both broken in a similar way. Increasing the dead zone on my sensitivity options to about 8% fixed the issue for me fully.