if i want to make an item with colored names, unbreakable and enchants higher than maximum 1.16.5 [duplicate]

I know that the command for colored items is like this:

/give @s diamond_sword{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"fang\",\"color\":\"black\"}"}}

and for unbreakable enchanted tools, it is this (from what I remember):

/give @s emerald{Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1000},{id:knockback,lvl:1000}]}

Is there a way I can combine the two?

Both of these are JSON objects and you simply need to create a bigger JSON object that contains elements from both of these.

/give @s diamond_sword{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"fang\",\"color\":\"black\"}"},Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1000},{id:knockback,lvl:1000}]}