Are really pinholes signs of disc rot? + Possible delamination?

I have found one pinhole in some of my discs, from Xbox 360 to Wii U to PS4 games, they are visible from label side and reflective side.

The strange case it's that the last 2 games that I have beat (Mario 3D World and Bloodborne) have them, and I haven't noticed anything during the gameplay.

Can it get worse at a point to make them not readable or it's just a myth?

Edit: Some photos of strange cases

Can anyone confirm if they have disc rot or early signs?

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Bayonetta Wii U pinhole



Bloodborne pinhole


I don't believe that is "rot" like that, unless you live in a zone with extreme temperatures. Those little holes are more like some impacts or damage on the top of the disk, (not the reflective side). De-lamination sounds more accurate.

But depending where is the damage it may not have any consequence on your disks:

As example: your "Mass Effect 2" or your "Horizon Zero Dawn" will be fine as the damage is in the internal part of the disk and the laser didn't read that section.

Your "Bayonetta Wii U" it's a different story... As you can see the hole is in the writable sector of the disk, so when the laser passes for that hole It will find no data written, only the acrylic.

In the last case you may start the game and get some progress, but at some point the game will freeze or crash as there is some "lost code" in that hole.

Even though the life cycle of any disk is not eternal, it could be up to 15 years or more if you take care of them. The recommendation for that is to store your disks always on the case, free of dust, never clean it with any aggressive cleaner, and keep it in a fresh and dry zone.