What is the quickest way to level up damage on raider's axe?

I have a raiders axe with max enchants, with heroic on it and I have ender armor. Also, I have maxed out the strength on it and I have a few talismans. I need to know the quickest/most efficient way to max out the damage on it.

I want to be able to 1 shot at least the 9k health enderman, in future, zealots. So my second question is what talisman and enchants and reforges and anything else that I would need to 1 shot zealots would be?

Talisman are accessories that can be used to boost our stats. The talismen that I use are Speed ring, Gravity talisman and Fire talisman. The game also has pets, which when summoned give stat boosts. I have a Level 35 common griffin. You could view the different kind of talismen here and the different pets here.

Solution 1:

You need more talismans, and to reforge them using the accessory bag reforging. You should also get a high redstone collection to increase the size of your accessory bag, you can also start upgrades for your accessory bag in the community shop. Once you have filled it up with unique talismans go to the reforge anvil and click accessory reforge, I would recommend forceful which gives strength, but hurtful(crit damage) and strong(some of both) are also good.

If you aren't sure what talismans to get, you can buy a few cheap ones from the adventurer npc. There are many other cheap ones you have probably unlocked in collections and didn't even notice!

After your talismans are all set its time to move on to leveling up that pet of yours. If you arent already, do your experiments every day, and if possible download a solver (they are allowed, DSM has a good one) this will help you level your pet up and you can make a decent profit if you get lvl 6 or 7 books in superpairs, allowing you to buy better gear.