Type hint for a file or file-like object?

Is there any correct type hint to use for a file or file-like object in Python? For example, how would I type-hint the return value of this function?

def foo() -> ???:
    return open('bar')

Solution 1:

Use either the typing.TextIO or typing.BinaryIO types, for files opened in text mode or binary mode respectively.

From the docs:

class typing.IO

Wrapper namespace for I/O stream types.

This defines the generic type IO[AnyStr] and aliases TextIO and BinaryIO for respectively IO[str] and IO[bytes]. These representing the types of I/O streams such as returned by open().

Solution 2:

The short answer:

  • You need to be explicit. That is from typing import TextIO not just from typing import *.
  • Use IO to mean a file without specifying what kind
  • Use TextIO or BinaryIO if you know the type
  • You cannot currently specify it be opened for write or its encoding.

As an example:

from typing import BinaryIO

def binf(inf: BinaryIO):

with open('x') as f:

gives an inspection error (in PyCharm) of Expected type 'BinaryIO', got 'TextIO' instead