Quotation Marks Before and After Video-Game Titles [duplicate]

When mentioning the title of a video game, would it have to have quotation marks before and after it? Around published works, yes, but would video games also count as published works?

Would it be written like this:

I stayed home and played "Halo."

Or would it be written like this:

I stayed home and played Halo.

Solution 1:

The CMoS advises italics for video games, so:

"I stayed home and played Halo."

If italics are not available, you can use slashes:

"I stayed home and played /Halo/."

EDIT: Requested references:

From Wikipedia:

In media where italicization is not possible, alternatives are used as substitutes:

  • In typewritten or handwritten text, underlining is typically used.

  • In plain-text computer files, including e-mail communication, italicized words are often indicated by surrounding them with slashes or other matched delimiters. For example:

    • I was /really/ annoyed.
    • They >completely< forgot me!
    • I had _nothing_ to do with it. (Commonly interpreted as underlining, which is an alternative to italics.)
    • It was *absolutely* horrible. (Commonly interpreted as bold. This and the previous example signify italic in Markdown.)

From Lifewire:

To use italics in plain text email messages:

Put a slash character before and after the /italicized passage/.

From PCMech:

For bold, surround with asterisks:

She sells *seashells* by the seashore.

For italic, surround with forward slashes:

The rain in Spain falls /mainly/ on the plain.

For underline, surround with underscores:

I'm a mother pheasant plucker; I pluck mother pheasants. I'm _the most pleasant_ mother pheasant plucker who ever plucked a mother pheasant. Signed, Ophelia Bhutt.

Note: without the plain text formatting, some of these examples were automatically formatted by the SE engine.