Android logcat is flooded with "W/Google Maps Android API: GLHudOverlay deprecated; draw(): no-op"

Solution 1:

UPDATE (26th September 2016): I just checked the fix in play-services-maps 9.6.1

compile ''

The issue 10201 is closed and release notes here

I think its a render time log. No connection with java code. I also have same log. and i feel its cause by : SupportMapFragment in xml file. When i touch Map, GL render layout and prints this log.

It is inside Map Library. So we can't modify it. but i think sometimes it cause memory overload. and so system calls GC to dump memory.

It's just a warning. So ignore it for now. but it should be fix by Google map library maker.

Edition (1st August, 2016) : now its a known issue and will be solve in next Google Play Library release. ref

Edition (2nd August, 2016) : got an update to play-services-maps as 9.2.1 -> 9.4.0, but warning message still there.

Edition (5th August, 2016) : the fix is not in 9.4 but will be in an upcoming release ref

Note : for hide bunch of same messages i found one trick here.

Solution 2:

You can add to following regex, ^((?!GLHudOverlay).)*$, to your logcat filter to hide the message, but as the accepted answer states this is a bug with Google so the best we can hope for is a quick fix.

Solution 3:

Or right click the logcat message (In AndroidStudio) and select "Fold Lines Like This", click edit, and delete everything but the message.