How to Check if a Number is Divisible by Another Number

Numbers don't work like that. Sorry. There is a function that does exactly what you want but I don't know if it's available in Apple Script. The function is called mod. I know it's available in python. The function works like so. enter 2 numbers into the mod function. An example is mod(12,2). what you are asking is 12 divisible by 2. so you could have mod(14,2) mod(6894381,2). if the number is divisible by 2 the function is zero. Else its the remainder of the division as if you did it yourself. This also works for any number. mod(12,3) tells you if 12 is divisible by 3. mod(27,3) = 0, mod(26,3) = 2. so mod(300,50) is zero because 300 is divisible by 50.