Why is my health going down for no reason? [duplicate]

I had the same problem! I went into the "Sallow Regent" black book (and another one immediately after) to reset skills and change the power for sallow reagent. Struggled with trying to fix it for about an hour because my last clean save was 13 levels before. BOTTOM LINE:

  1. Go into Sallow Regent. in lighted areas you should take no damage.
  2. Go to a dark area. you should start taking damage over time.
  3. Open your inventory and read the Sallow Regent to return to Solstheim.

That solved it for me. Hope it works for you!

I vaguely recall this happening to me (it was during the first black book quest, I think). I had enough health that it didn't really affect me, although the sound made by the spell was a bit annoying.

Once I finished the quest and left the dungeon, I restarted my game and the issue went away. Maybe that would work for you as well?

The book at the end of the sallow regent level where you choose one of three powers - you need to look at that book and it will show "to solstheim". Press X.

I had to do it twice in order to get the glitch to clear