How can I see a list of all open windows in a panel in Unity?

Solution 1:

I have developed an application indicator which shows a list of open windows. To keep with the Unity one-panel style, windows are accessed from an icon on the indicator panel.


Category: Other, Window Management

Window-list displays a list of current open desktop windows. Windows can be activated by selecting them from the menu list.

window-list light themewindow-list dark theme

Window-List is available for all versions of Ubuntu running Unity.

install via ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jwigley/window-list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install window-list

deb package is also available from the launchpad repository.

run application by:


Once installed, open a window in the list by a right click.

Solution 2:

I've the same problem, but I found tint2. It is a bottom bar with all yours opened windows, it is available on main Ubuntu repo, and you can install it with

sudo apt-get install tint2

To help configure tint2 you can use this python based gui:

tar -zxvf tintwizard-0.3.4.tar.gz


Solution 3:

A quite convenient alternative to a windows list is the windows preview inbuilt in the Unity Launcher. A minimized preview of all windows opened by a certain application is shown when clicking on its launcher icon. This is shown here on Unity 2D for three LibreOffice windows opened at the same time:

enter image description here

Just click on the window you want to work on to have it opened on top.

Note that all running applications that have a window opened are marked with tiny white dots on the left side of their panel icon.

Solution 4:

Press Super+W to see window previews from the current workspace and Super+Shift+W to see those from all workspaces. You can close each window just by a middle click on it.

Example screenshot showing visual list of open windows in Unity by shortcut pressing Super-W)

(Hold down Super by itself for a list of shortcuts that can help sort windows.)