I am fairly new to the Google Cloud platform and Docker and set-up a cluster of nodes, made a Dockerfile that copies a repo and runs a Clojure REPL on a public port. I can connect to it from my IDE and play around with my code, awesome!

That REPL should however probably tunneled through SSH, but here is where my problem starts. I can't find a suitable place to SSH into for making changes to the repo that Docker runs the REPL on:

  • The exposed IP just exposes the REPL service (correct kubernetes term?) and does not allow me to SSH in.
  • Neither does the cluster master endpoint, it gives me a public key error even though I've followed the Adding or removing SSH keys for all of the instances in your project part here.

I would like to edit the source files via SSH but I would need to access the docker code repo. I don't know how to proceed.

I understand this isn't exactly a typical way to deploy applications so I am not even sure it's possible to have multiple nodes work with a modified docker codebase (do the nodes share the JVM somehow?).

Concretely my question is how do I SSH into the docker container to access the codebase?

For more recent Kubernetes versions the shell command should be separated by the --:

kubectl exec -it <POD NAME> -c <CONTAINER NAME> -- bash

Please note that bash needs to be availalble for execution inside of the container. For different OS flavours you might need to use /bin/sh, /bin/bash (or others) instead.

The command format for Kubernetes 1.5.0:

kubectl exec -it <POD NAME> -c <CONTAINER NAME> bash

List instances:

gcloud compute instances list

SSH into instance:

gcloud compute ssh <instance_name> --zone=<instance_zone>

In the instance, list the running processes and their container IDs:

sudo docker ps -a

Attach to a container:

sudo docker exec -it <container_id> bash  

The best way to attach to the container through exec command.

Attach to docker running container

docker exec -it  YOUR_CONTAINER_ID bash

Attach to Kubernetes running container.

kubectl exec -it  YOUR_CONTAINER/POD_NAME bash

Attach to Kubernetes running container in a given namespace.