Get the list of installed packages by user in R
How we can get the list of installed packages by user in R along with its version?
I know about the command installed.packages()
which will give information about all packages (base or non-base). But how we can get those installed by user to have something like this:
Package Version
X 3.01
Y 2.0.1
Z 1.0.2
For all user installed packages (i.e. those package you installed via install.packages("X")
ip =[,c(1,3:4)])
ip = ip[$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]
I just found another ways to see the list of the packages without writing any code:
- Open RStudio
- Navigate to
Help --> R Help
(from the menu above) - You will see the help panel opened.
- Then follow,
Reference --> Packages
There you are.
- Open R console
- Navigate to
Help --> Html help
- Then follow,
Reference --> Packages
str(allPackage <- installed.packages(.Library, priority = "high"))
allPackage [, c(1,3:5)]
You will get all the active package List
If I develop an app or model and want to record the package versions used, I call sessionInfo()
Here's my solution.
Package = names(installed.packages()[,3]),
Version = unname(installed.packages()[,3])
You can even filter some packages that you want to show.
pkg = tibble::tibble(
Package = names(installed.packages()[,3]),
Version = unname(installed.packages()[,3])
dplyr::filter(pkg, Package %in% c("tibble", "dplyr"))