Getting "Cannot call a class as a function" in my React Project

Solution 1:

For me it happened when I forgot to write extends React.Component at the end. I know it's not exactly what YOU had, but others reading this answer can benefit from this, hopefully.

Solution 2:

For me it was because I forgot to use the new keyword when setting up Animated state.


fadeAnim: Animated.Value(0),


fadeAnim: new Animated.Value(0),

would fix it.

Solution 3:


If you use React Router v4 check your <Route/> component if you indeed use the component prop to pass your class based React component!

More generally: If your class seems ok, check if the code that calls it doesn't try to use it as a function.


I got this error because I was using React Router v4 and I accidentally used the render prop instead of the component one in the <Route/> component to pass my component that was a class. This was a problem, because render expects (calls) a function, while component is the one that will work on React components.

So in this code:

        <Route path="/" render={MyComponent} />

The line containing the <Route/> component, should have been written like this:

<Route path="/" component={MyComponent} />

It is a shame, that they don't check it and give a usable error for such and easy to catch mistake.

Solution 4:

Happened to me because I used


instead of
