Are there any Infinite Combos in Monster Train?

Solution 1:

Here's a nice simple one. Two Deep Offering with consume removed, Kinstone Totem, and a way to consume all but 6 cards of your deck. That leaves room for two deadweights and another card.

Deep offering will, for 3 pyre, give you 4 pyre and redraw a hand of 2 deadweights, Deep Offering, and the other card. You can play Deep Offering as many times as you like.

This gives you infinite energy- if the sixth card is an x cost, you can one-shot bosses with it. It also gives you infinite Incant triggers.

This combo surprisingly practical. Everything is from a single clan and it only requires a relic and two copies of a card. An extremely lucky player can pursue it from the start of the game if they get Deep Offering in their starting deck and Kinstone Totem as their starting artifact.

Note that this combo does not work on Seraph the Chaste on covenant 17+ due to the vengeful shards.