How to hide functions from the autofill menu in Minecraft Bedrock Edition? [duplicate]

What I normally do is put all my hidden functions in a folder (I called mine back) so then the function becomes

/function back/myfunction

Then just tell the person not to run those or something.

What you are asking for I do not believe is directly possible.

Actually, I figured it out. I figured this out using this page, but there was a missing piece of info I had to find. Prevent functions from showing in autofill command window

To hide a function in a behavior pack, the .mcfunction file must contain at least 1 comment in it that starts with // instead of the usual #, BUT the min_engine_version value in the manifest.json file of the behavior pack must be less than [ 1, 16, 0 ]. The function will no longer appear in the autofill menu, but it will still work normally when called (assuming there are no other errors with it).

I have no idea why this works, but it does. This might be a thing that gets patched out later.