The best way to combine two m4v files on Catalina [duplicate]

Got a bunch of .mp4 videos (info shows H.264 Video + AAC Audio) that are chapters of a larger video.

I'd like to merge them, but not sure which is the best way. I don't have Quicktime Pro, but I'll get it if that's the best way to do this.

Edit: Just to clariify this is Mac OSX 10.6 I'm on.

Solution 1:

Quicktime Pro is a must-have in such situation. iMovie is great if you need a simple tool, but you may loose quality in the process.

Solution 2:

You don’t specify your OS but if you have OS/X, then you probably have iLife, then you have iMovie. Merging all that with iMovie is extremely trivial. Just import the videos to iMovie and compose the final movie using all the parts you want to use.

Effects, Transitions and Captions are a bonus ;)

Solution 3:

Virtual concatenation script demuxer

You only need ffmpeg

  1. At the end, write the video files that you want to combine into a text file. Here is an example, it is best to drag the video files into the text file. The name of the text file is in my example files.txt

    file 'Video 1.mp4'
    file 'Video 2.mp4'
    file 'Video 3.mp4'
    file 'Video 4.mp4'

Now open the terminal and enter. Finish.

ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i files.txt -c copy output.mp4