Scaling/Translating a Shape to a given Rectangle using AffineTransform

Note that AffineTransform transformations are concatenated "in the most commonly useful way", which may be regarded as last in, first-out order. The effect can be seen in this example. Given the sequence below, the resulting Shape is first rotated, then scaled and finally translated.

at.translate(SIZE/2, SIZE/2);
at.scale(60, 60);
return at.createTransformedShape(...);

Inspired by trashgod's answer, the correct sequence was:

AffineTransform transforms[]=
AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(zoom, zoom),
AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(ratioW, ratioH),

AffineTransform tr=new AffineTransform();
for(int i=0;i< transforms.length;++i)