Back full Label color in Finder [duplicate]

I don't like the almost invisible little colored dots (tags) that have replaced the full-length color highlighted labels used in Mountain Lion. Is there a way to go back to using full-field labels?

I have the same problem, and so do others: just search the Apple support discussions. The only solutions currently are:

  • Reinstall OS X 10.8
  • Install PathFinder, a third party patch that brings back labels
  • If PF is too pricey, try asking binaryage (makers of TotalFinder) to also enable this feature, as TotalFinder is only $18, compared to Pathfinder at nearly $40.

There's also a few other semi-workarounds, like coloring folders using 3rd party tools (though this is tedious and only works for folders, not files)

And remember to tell Apple that you want labels back! If enough people speak out, they will change it.

Good news for all that miss the color-backgrounds from 10.8 and below. The free Extension "XtraFinder" has a new Option in Version 0.19 called "Leagacy Color Label Painting" (in "Appearance") which brings back the color background for the finder in listmode.

In fact that was the way labels behaved since System 7 (MacOS 7)

I really don't remember if they were present in System 6 though.

enter image description here

Restoring coloured labels are a new feature in TotalFinder:

This feature mimics old Finder behaviour. I implemented this option because many people requested back colored labels from Mountain Lion.