Smart card-only login

We were setting up to only allow user to login into mac using Yubikey by following this article

We are now able to login using Yuibikey but mac still allow to use other method to login (password, fingerprint) has anyone be able to solve this problem?

Solution 1:

Maybe you could follow the instructions here to set up "Smart card-only" mode. I had tried it myself and summarized some key points as follows:

  1. Make sure that you have paired your Yubikey with macOS. You could run sc_auth list in Terminal to check;
  2. After installing the profile, you'd better plug out your Yubikey and log out the current admin user.
  3. Then plug in your Yubikey, just wait a second. The password input will change to PIN input. If Yubikey was plugged out, there'll be a note probably says"Smart card is needed".

Hope it helpful~ ^_^