How do I declare a model class in my Angular 2 component using TypeScript?

I am new to Angular 2 and TypeScript and I'm trying to follow best practices.

Instead of using a simple JavaScript model ({ }), I'm attempting to create a TypeScript class.

However, Angular 2 doesn't seem to like it.

My code is:

import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";

    selector: "testWidget",
    template: "<div>This is a test and {{model.param1}} is my param.</div>"

export class testWidget {
    constructor(private model: Model) {}

class Model {
    param1: string;

and I'm using it as:

import { testWidget} from "lib/testWidget";

    selector: "myComponent",
    template: "<testWidget></testWidget>",
    directives: [testWidget]

I'm getting an error from Angular:

EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters for testWidget: (?).

So I thought, Model isn't defined yet... I'll move it to the top!

Except now I get the exception:

ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: No provider for Model!

How do I accomplish this??

Edit: Thanks to all for the answer. It led me to the right path.

In order to inject this into the constructor, I need to add it to the providers on the component.

This appears to work:

import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";

class Model {
    param1: string;

    selector: "testWidget",
    template: "<div>This is a test and {{model.param1}} is my param.</div>",
    providers: [Model]

export class testWidget {
    constructor(private model: Model) {}

I'd try this:

Split your Model into a separate file called model.ts:

export class Model {
    param1: string;

Import it into your component. This will give you the added benefit of being able to use it in other components:

Import { Model } from './model';

Initialize in the component:

export class testWidget {
   public model: Model;
       this.model = new Model();
       this.model.param1 = "your string value here";

Access it appropriately in the html:

      selector: "testWidget",
      template: "<div>This is a test and {{model.param1}} is my param.</div>"

I want to add to the answer a comment made by @PatMigliaccio because it's important to adapt to the latest tools and technologies:

If you are using angular-cli you can call ng g class model and it will generate it for you. model being replaced with whatever naming you desire.

The problem lies that you haven't added Model to either the bootstrap (which will make it a singleton), or to the providers array of your component definition:

    selector: "testWidget",
    template: "<div>This is a test and {{param1}} is my param.</div>",
    providers : [

export class testWidget {
    constructor(private model: Model) {}

And yes, you should define Model above the Component. But better would be to put it in his own file.

But if you want it to be just a class from which you can create multiple instances, you better just use new.

    selector: "testWidget",
    template: "<div>This is a test and {{param1}} is my param.</div>"

export class testWidget {

    private model: Model = new Model();

    constructor() {}