How to set upper left corner icon to Google profile avatar image for Chrome on Ubuntu Linux?

How to set upper left corner icon to my Google profile avatar image for Chrome on Ubuntu Linux?

When I use multiple user account in Chrome, there is an icon showing up at the upperleft corner of the Chrome window. Is there a way to set it to the profile avatar image I use in my Google profile?

This worked for me:

  1. Quit Chrome (ensure you don't have any running).
  2. Go to the Chrome user profile directory ~/.config/google-chrome/).
  3. Put your new avatar png file into the "Default" subdirectory.
  4. Open/edit the "Local State" file in a good text editor.
  5. Find the "profile" section; it resembles this:

       "profile": {
          "info_cache": {
             "Default": {
                "avatar_icon": "chrome://theme/IDR_PROFILE_AVATAR_7",
  6. Ignore the "avatar_icon" line - it's not what you want!

  7. Edit the "Default" profile section and add the following lines (I put them in the right alphabetical order amongst the other lines; I'm not sure whether that matters):

                "gaia_picture_file_name": "your-icon-file-name.png",
                "has_migrated_to_gaia_info": true,
                "use_gaia_picture": true,

  8. Save the "Local State" file.

  9. Start Chrome.

If you want to do this for other profiles, just do the above steps for a different directory besides "Default" (for example, "Profile 1").

I had run Chrome with the --gaia-profile-info switch before I tried the above, so you may need to do that first, but I'm not sure.

You may want to star the Chrome issue 91230 to get a proper UI for this type of thing again.

(I also answered this at How do I access/edit the Chrome user avatar images? on Super User.)