If $a+b+c=1$, find the minimum of $\frac{4+3abc}{ab+bc+ac}$

I came to ask this because I am really stuck at this problem. I have tried everything from arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean. Also, I have tried playing with the variables and such, but it got me to nowhere.

If $a+b+c=1$; $a,b,c$ nonnegative, calculate the minimum of $$\frac{4+3abc}{ab+bc+ac}$$ All I've got so far is: $$\frac{3abc}{ab+bc+ac} \le \frac{1}{3}$$ But this is obviously on the wrong side of the inequality. Also, I think that $$\frac{1}{ab+bc+ac}\ge3$$ But I haven't been able to prove it.

Playing with the most possible and obvious values, one could think that the answer is 37/3, but the excercise is about proving it. Any help and little hints are greatly apprecieated.

Solution 1:

It seems you are right and the minimum is indeed 37/3. We shall use the standard techniques for proving the inequalities.

If we put $a=b=c=1/3$ then the obtain the upper bound $37/3$ for the minimum. It rests to show that holds

(1) $\frac{4+3abc}{ab+bc+ac}\ge 37/3.$

At first we homogenize [Lee, Ch 3] the left side


Expanding and simplifying, we reduce inequality (1) to the form

$$12(a^3+b^3+c^3)\ge (a^2b+ab^2+ab^2+ac^2+b^2c+bc^2)+30abc,$$

which should follow from Muirhead Theorem [Lee, Ch. 3.3].


[Lee] Hojoo Lee. Topics in Inequalities - Theorems and Techniques (February 25, 2006).

Solution 2:

Substitute $a=1-(b+c)$ in $\displaystyle\frac{4+3abc}{ab+bc+ac}$ to get

$$\frac{4+3(1-(b+c))bc}{(1-(b+c))b+bc+(1-(b+c))c} \tag{1}$$

Differentiating $(1)$ with respect to $b$ gives

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial b}\left(\frac{4+3(1-(b+c))bc}{(1-(b+c))b+bc+(1-(b+c))c}\right) =\frac{(3c^3-3c^2+4)(2b-c+1)}{\left(b^2+b(c-1)+c(c-1)\right)^2}$$

Setting this equal to zero yields

$$2b-c+1=0 \tag{2}$$

Differentiating $(1)$ with respect to $c$ gives

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial c}\left(\frac{4+3(1-(b+c))bc}{(1-(b+c))b+bc+(1-(b+c))c}\right) =\frac{(3b^3-3b^2+4)(2c-b+1)}{\left(c^2+c(b-1)+b(b-1)\right)^2}$$

Setting this equal to zero yields

$$2c-b+1=0 \tag{3}$$

Solving for $(2)$ and $(3)$ yields


Plug these values in $(1)$ and you end up with
