How can I connect to one server using two user names - at the same time?
I am struggling to find a way to allow users to connect to two different shares on a server at the same time. It seems like it should be possible, but no matter what I try I am always forced to disconnect one user to connect as another.
I have tried using aliases like this:
The first one connected works, and the second one ignores the name/password when connecting and just offers to connect as the first user again.
Is there a user friendly way to make this work?
Solution 1:
I'm not entirely sure it would work, but try this, from Terminal:
mkdir /Volumes/foo /Volumes/bar
mount -t afp afp://foo:foopass@ServerName._afpovertcp._tcp.local /Volumes/foo
mount -t afp afp://bar:barpass@ServerName._afpovertcp._tcp.local /Volumes/bar
Solution 2:
You can always cheat and use a different protocol for the second connection. OS X works with SMB.