Firebase Authentication State Change does not fire when user is disabled or deleted

Solution 1:

Disabling or deleting a user account does not fire an auth state change. Nor should it, the user is still authenticated. In at most an hour, Firebase Authentication will try to refresh the access token for the user. That refresh will fail, at which point the user will become unauthenticated and the auth state change event will fire.

If you're looking to revoke the user's authorization immediately, you will have to do so in another part of your application logic. A common way to do this is by having a blacklist in your application, e.g. in the Firebase Database:

    uidOfBannedUser: true

Now when you delete/disable a user's account in the Autentication panel, you also add their uid to the list of banned users in the database.

The database can then be secured against access from unauthorized users by adding a clause to your database security rules, e.g.

  "rules": {
    "bannedUsers": {
      ".read": true,
      ".write": false // only admins can write these
    "messages": {
      ".read": "auth != null && !root.child('bannedUsers').child(auth.uid).exists()"

If you use a different back-end, the implementation will be different. But a blacklist like this is a common approach to ban users. You'll find that you may even care little enough about their authentication that you only ban them, instead of deleting their credentials (which they could simply recreate).