I've used Windows for many years, using Dreamweaver as my editor as it had a file tree which is based on a project (via Local, FTP or SFTP).

I need a web development IDE with the following functionality:

  • syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • file tree - Local, FTP, SFTP, Project-Based (e.g. via the methods of Local/FTP/SFTP) in other words, like Dreamweaver

  • can open multiple files (tabbed)

Additionally, I wouldn't mind features like debugging, class listings, etc, as long as I can hide them away.

Solution 1:

Even when I added the accepted answer at the question mentioned by @fossfreedom, more precisely at Dreamweaver alternative in ubuntu?, in the comments of your question. I must accept that I didn't notice before the existence of Aptana Studio.

I include here a few screenshots for you, covering some of the points of your interest.

enter image description here

Syntax Highlight for PHP:

enter image description here

Syntax Highlight for HTML:

enter image description here

Syntax Highlight for CSS:

enter image description here

Syntax Highlight for Javascript

enter image description here

File tree illustrated in these screenshots and this examples:

Project Explorer:

enter image description here

Application Explorer:

enter image description here

Multi-Tabbed files

illustrated in the above screenshots.

I have noticed that there is support for FTP/SFTP file browsing/management but these are features that I don't use so I can't provide further details but I am sure you will find it in the Aptana Studio site.

In my experience, I stopped using all these tools that I formerly used in order to start enjoying this excellent application, that tops all the other similar alternatives.

I suggest you to try it. Is as easy as download and run, or follow the instructions of the producers in order to have this application installed and running in your system. For me is good to have it inside of my home folder, from where I start it by double clicking the program's icon. The application will find its updates and download to the appropriate folder when necessary.

There are several alternatives, like those mentioned in the previous questions, including those that features WYSIWYG editors. But this is also a great alternative.

Good luck!

Solution 2:

For a DW replacement software, there's probably nothing closer than Quanta, which unfortunately drags in a lot of KDE dependencies on the standard GNOME desktop.

While Kompozer/Nvu let you toggle between code view and and WYSIWYG, they both lack some of the features of DW, though there's definitely a good range of features to love about each.

My favorite development platform is Bluefish, for its excellent syntax highlighting.

For a more full-featured development environment, there's Aptana, Komodo, and Eclipse.

Some others that are very popular, but i can't personally recommend as not having worked with them much, are Geany and Screem

A buddy of mine has a great article about web development on linux on his blog

Solution 3:

If you're looking for a simple editor I would go for gedit + gedit-ftp-browser. Gedit has a lot of extension and you can add a class browser etc...

You can use of course Eclipse + plugins but it's really like using a bomb to kill an ant.

Solution 4:

Well, there is a younger cousin of Adobe Dreamweaver. Its called Brackets. It has almost the same features as adobe Dreamweaver, and on top of that, new and amazing features like the ability to extract code hints from a .psd file, and better yet, its free... :)

Adobe Brackets Interface

Also, Brackets has a tasty feature, called live preview, whereby each and every change you make in either your css or html file in the active project is previewed instantly in a browser running alongside :

Live preview in Brackets

Solution 5:

I would probably have to recommend KompoZer, which is an unofficial bug-fix release of the popular application, Nvu.

KompoZer Screenshot

To quote the KompoZer features page:

Finally, a top-notch WYSIWYG web page program for the rest of us! Now there's no need to >pay a little fortune for a program to create and edit great-looking web pages, including >powerful and easy to use CSS capabilities.

KompoZer is a complete Web Authoring System that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing capabilities found in Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe DreamWeaver and other high end programs.

KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical >computer users who want to create an attractive professional-looking web site without >needing to know HTML or web coding.

KompoZer version 1:0.8~b3.dfsg.1-0.1 is currently available in the maverick and natty universe repositories.