Are perk modifiers to weapon damage added before or after DT is applied?
Solution 1:
Perk modifiers are added before DT is applied.
I decided to do some basic testing in game using the console to add/remove perks and adjust skill levels. The Fallout wiki I linked in my question contains the wrong formula. However the GECK wiki seems to agree with my findings:
Gun Damage = (PerkModifiers(BaseWeaponDamage * DamageMultiplier * GunConditionPenalty * SkillBonus) + CriticalDamageBonus) - DamageAbsorbedByArmor
My testing showed that:
- Weapon condition and skill is applied to the base damage of the weapon first.
- Then crit damage is added (if it was a critical hit) applying the perk bonus from better criticals only to the crit portion of the damage.
- Then perks are applied
- Finally DT is applied