How to save GeoFire coordinates along with other items in Firebase database?

Solution 1:

Frank's answer is correct, but I want to give an example. Your database structure should be like this.

"items" : {
    <itemId> : {
        "someData" : "someData",
"items_location" : {
    <itemId> : {
        <geofireData> ...

To get the data, first you need to do GeoQuery at items_location node and then get the data on the onKeyEntered method. The parameter key is itemId from my example.

geoFire = new GeoFire(FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("items_location");
geoQuery = geoFire.queryAtLocation(geoLocation), radius);
geoQuery.addGeoQueryEventListener(new GeoQueryEventListener() {
    public void onKeyEntered(String key, GeoLocation location) {
         //retrieve data

Hope this helps.

EDIT How to push the item and set the geofire data.

String itemId = ref.child("items").push().getKey();


geoFire = new GeoFire(ref.child("items_location"));
geoFire.setLocation(itemId, new GeoLocation(lattitude, longitude));

EDIT Save the item data and geofire data in one API call

GeoHash geoHash = new GeoHash(new GeoLocation(latitude, longitude));
Map<String, Object> updates = new HashMap<>();
updates.put("items/" + itemId, item);
updates.put("items_location/" + itemId + "/g", geoHash.getGeoHashString());
updates.put("items_location/" + itemId + "/l", Arrays.asList(latitude, longitude));

Solution 2:

When you use Geofire, you have two lists of data:

  1. a list of items with their regular properties
  2. a list of geohash indexes and their associated keys, which you query through Geofire

You use the keys to get from the Geoquery results to the regular items. That's why the events for Geofire are called "Key Entered", "Key Exited", etc.

Trying to store them in one node is a bad idea, since you're mixing mostly static data (the properties of your items) with highly volatile data (the geo-location information). Separating the two out leads to better performance, which is why Geofire enforces it.

While there may be use-cases where the properties and geo-data are equally dynamic/static, GeoFire does not support keeping the geo-data and other properties in a single location.

Solution 3:

You can use Firebase functions to enter it for you on every new entry

let functions = require('firebase-functions');

let GeoFire = require('geofire');

exports.testLocation = functions.database.ref('/items/{item}').onWrite(event => {
let data =;

   if (data.location && data.location.coords) {

       console.log('Update GeoFire');

       let ref ='/items_locations'));

       let key = event.params.test;
       let location = [data.location.coords.latitude, data.location.coords.longitude]);
       let geoFire = new GeoFire(ref);

       geoFire.set(key, location).then(() => {
          console.log('Update succesfull');
       }).catch(error => {