Solution 1:

$ab=cd$ implies $a=xy, b=zt, c=xz, d=yt$ for some integers $x,y,z,t$. Hence $$ a+b+c+d=(x+t)(y+z). $$

Solution 2:

From $ab=cd$ you have $$(a+b)^2-(a-b)^2=(c+d)^2-(c-d)^2\Rightarrow(a+b)^2-(c+d)^2=(a-b)^2-(c-d)^2$$ Hence we have $$(a+b+c+d)(a+b-c-d)=(a-b+c-d)(a-b-c+d)$$ Now note that $|a+b+c+d|>|a-b+c-d|$ and $|a-b-c+d|$. If $(a+b+c+d)$ was prime then it must divide one of $(a-b+c-d)$ or $(a-b-c+d)$, which is not possible.

Solution 3:

From $ab=cd$, We may assume $a=\frac{cd}{b}$. So $M=a+b+c+d = \frac{cd}{b}+b+c+d = \frac{(b+c)(b+d)}{b}$ and so $bM=(b+c)(b+d)$ and $M|(b+c)(b+d)$. We assume that $M$ is not composite, so it is prime. Now we may know that either $b+c$ or $b+d$ is divisible by $M$. So $M\leq b+c$ or $M\leq b+d$ which both result in contradiction because $M=a+b+c+d > b+c$ or $b+d$. So our assumption was wrong and $M$ is a composite number.