ASP.NET MVC Html.DropDownList populated by Ajax call to controller?

In the editor template provide an empty dropdown:

<%= Html.DropDownListFor(
    x => x.PropertyToHoldSelectedValue, 
    "-- Loading Values --",
    new { id = "foo" }) 

Then setup a controller action that will return the values:

public class FooController: Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return Json(new[] {
            new { Id = 1, Value = "value 1" },
            new { Id = 2, Value = "value 2" },
            new { Id = 3, Value = "value 3" },
        }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

And then populate the values using AJAX:

$(function() {
    $.getJSON('/foo/index', function(result) {
        var ddl = $('#foo');
        $(result).each(function() {
                .attr('value', this.Id)

I know this post is a few years old but I found it and so might you. I use the following solution and it works very well. Strong typed without the need to write a single line of Javascript.

You can download it via Visual Studio as a NuGet package.