MacBook Pro: DNS works but not ping, http, or https

This is more of a guess than an answer, but perhaps having a static 192.168.1.x connect to a confused everything, including having it refuse to accept being set to DHCP. But how it was able to serve DNS in spite of everything else failing is still a puzzle. Maybe the DNS worked through IPv6.

The reason the iPhone worked (apparently) is that it was on DHCP (even though I know I put all my devices on static 192.168.1.x addresses.

If DNS is served from your router, then DNS working means the physical transport from the host to the router is set.

If things the router needs to route fail from the host, and you change nothing on the host, and then the router starts routing, then that's a pretty large smoking gun pointing you at a router issue.

  1. What do the router logs show?
  2. Does the router / switch have port-fast or BDPU or spanning tree configuration you can safely change to test if that's causing the blockage?

Unless your Mac has containers, virtual machines, multiple synthetic / virtual network interfaces, or is acting like a router, there's not much chance macOS is causing or even related to the problem. To test this you could boot to recovery and use the Utilities menu to run your tests with the same router, same hardware and a thinned macOS runtime / OS.