Need a live UDP echo Server IP and port

I require to test my UDP program using echo server. I have tested this application in LAN but now I require it to test it in Internet.

Is there and globally recognize freely available well known ECHO server that I can use directly in my application ?

Please help, thanks....

EDIT I already have a java based Echo Server program which I run on my desktop and connect the mobile using Wifi. Now I want tho check the app for Internet so I need the IP an port of some live server much like the DayTime service, provided by some IPs.

Most unixes (and linuxes) have one built into xinetd, the "Internet Superserver". Shove these lines in /etc/xinetd.conf and restart the service

echo   stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
echo   dgram   udp     wait    root    internal


If you can install python and the Twisted module I highly recommend running this simple script to create your UDP echo server.

Google Python Twisted for more information or hit me back here.

I hope this helps,
