Texture pack not showing up in Minecraft client

I've been trying to use a texture pack. I made one and just tried to change 1 painting and the damage sounds. I'm pretty sure everything is formatted correctly and the image files are the right sizes. I'm not sure how I'd show the files on the forum, but this is how my .mcmeta file is formatted:

  "pack": {
    "pack_format": 6,
    "description": "The Stinkiest Pack Around"

It doesn't load into the resource pack menu, even when the file is compressed into a zip and placed in the .minecraft/resourcepacks folder.

Edit: Just realized that the .mcmeta formatting goes weird on the forum post. Everything is spaced normally, and not how it appears on this post.

Any help is really appreciated.

Your .mcmeta file looks correct, this is how the file structure should look like inside of the Minecraft resourcepacks folder:

\"Your Resource pack"\
> assets
> pack.mcmeta
> pack.png

\"Your Resource pack"\assets\minecraft\
> blockstates
> font
> lang
> models
> particles
> shaders
> sounds
> texts
> textures

\"Your Resource pack"\assets\minecraft\textures\
> block
> colormap
> effect
> entity
> environment
> font
> gui
> item
> map
> misc
> mob_effect
> models
> painting
> particle

And make sure the "Your Resource pack" folder is a normal folder and not an archive such as .zip.

Because you only changed 2 things your folder could look like this:

\"Your Resource pack"\
> assets
> pack.mcmeta
> pach.png

\"Your Resource pack"\assets\minecraft\
> sounds
> textures

\"Your Resource pack"\assets\minecraft\textures\
> painting