No Many's Sky Quick Menu Ship Order

Solution 1:

It is... somehow complicated.

You see. Currently the game assigns six slot to the six ships you can own (at least until a patch finally get us more slots).

Let's call those slots [slot 1] to [slot 6]. The ship you start with is obviously always assigned to [slot 1]. New ships you get go to the first available slot.

When you lose a ship, for example because you scrap it, the games tries to make the ship in [slot 1] active. If that slot is empty, it goes to [slot 2] and so on. It is important to notice that ships aren't moved between slots at any time: once a ship occupies a slot it will stay in that slot until sold.

So, let's make an example to make this more clear.

  • You start with the Radiant Pillar. The slots now are

[Radiant] [empty] [empty] [empty] [empty] [empty]

  • You then get three new ships. Wandering Glider, Lucent Legacy and Voice of Gek.

[Radiant] [Wandering] [Lucent] [Voice] [empty] [empty]

  • You scrap Lucent. Radiant gets active (slot 1) and slot 3 stays empty.

[Radiant] [Wandering] [empty] [Voice] [empty] [empty]

  • Now you scrap Radiant. Since [slot 1] is now empty, games tries to activate the next one - [slot 2]. [Slot 1] stays empty.

[empty] [Wandering] [empty] [Voice] [empty] [empty]

  • You get one more ship, lets call it Viridiscent Hope. Like we said before it will go to the first empty slot - [slot 1].

[Viridiscent] [Wandering] [empty] [Voice] [empty] [empty]

  • you should now get what will happen if you scrap another ship. Since Viridiscent is now in [slot 1] it has priority over Wandering. So, if you scrap Voice it is Viridiscent that will get activated

[Viridiscent] [Wandering] [empty] [empty] [empty] [empty]