Chart.js axes label font size

In chart.js how can I set the set the font size for just the x axis labels without touching global config?

I've already tried setting the 'scaleFontSize' option my options object. I've also tried setting:

  scales: {
    xAxes: [{
      scaleFontSize: 40

The fontSize attribute is actually in scales.xAxes.ticks and not in scales.xAxes as you thought.

So you just have to edit the attribute like this :

var options = {
    scales: {
        yAxes: [{
            ticks: {
                fontSize: 40

You can see a fully working example in this jsFiddle and here is its result :

enter image description here

Configuration options and properties for chartjs 3.0 has changed. Currently I'm using Chartjs 3.1.1. Fonts are used as objects now. In order to change font size of x axis ticks you have to use following configuration.

var options = {
    scales: {
        x: {
            ticks: {
                font: {
                    size: 12,

Checkout this jsfiddle sample.

Try this is working

     options: {
        scales: {
           xAxes: [{
                   ticks: {
                    fontSize: 10

Try to see if this will work

  scales: {
    xAxes: [{
      fontSize: 40

It doesn't look like scaleFontSize is a valid property.

options: {
                  locale: 'fa-IR',
                  responsive: true, // Instruct chart js to respond nicely.
                  maintainAspectRatio: false, // Add to prevent default behaviour of full-width/height 
                        plugins: {
                          legend: {
                              position: 'top',
                              labels: {
                                  font: {
                                    size: 9,
                          title: {
                            display: true,
                            text: chart_info.chartTitle,
                            font: {
                                size: 16,
                          tooltip: {
                              bodyFont: {
                                size: 13,
                    scales: {
                        x: {
                            ticks: {
                                font: {
                                    size: 10,
                        y: {
                            ticks: {
                                font: {
                                    size: 10,