Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND
Solution 1:
I've got another way to add an or
condition in the field:
array('title', 'content'),
Solution 2:
OR conditions can be generated like this:
array('field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3'), // columns
array( // conditions
array( // conditions for field_1
array('in' => array('text_1', 'text_2', 'text_3')),
array('like' => '%text')
array('eq' => 'exact'), // condition for field 2
array('in' => array('val_1', 'val_2')) // condition for field 3
This will generate an SQL WHERE condition something like:
... WHERE (
(field_1 IN ('text_1', 'text_2', 'text_3') OR field_1 LIKE '%text')
OR (field_2 = 'exact')
OR (field_3 IN ('val_1', 'val_2'))
Each nested array(<condition>) generates another set of parentheses for an OR condition.
Solution 3:
I also tried to get the field1 = 'a' OR field2 = 'b'
Your code didn't work for me.
Here is my solution
$results = Mage::getModel('xyz/abc')->getCollection();
$results->getSelect()->where("keywords like '%foo%' or additional_keywords like '%bar%'");
echo json_encode($results->toArray());
It gives me
SELECT name, keywords FROM abc WHERE keywords like '%foo%' OR additional_keywords like '%bar%'
It is maybe not the "magento's way" but I was stuck 5 hours on that.
Hope it will help
Solution 4:
Here is my solution in Enterprise 1.11 (should work in CE 1.6):
array('gteq' => 10),
array('null' => true),
array('gteq' => 9.99),
array('null' => true),
array('gteq' => 1.5),
array('null' => true),
Which results in this SQL:
SELECT `main_table`.*
FROM `shipping_method_entity` AS `main_table`
WHERE (((max_item_count >= 10) OR (max_item_count IS NULL)))
AND (((max_item_price >= 9.99) OR (max_item_price IS NULL)))
AND (((max_item_weight >= 1.5) OR (max_item_weight IS NULL)))
Solution 5:
To filter by multiple attributes use something like:
//for AND
$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('my_field1', 'my_value1')
->addFieldToFilter('my_field2', 'my_value2');
echo $collection->getSelect()->__toString();
//for OR - please note 'attribute' is the key name and must remain the same, only replace //the value (my_field1, my_field2) with your attribute name
$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
array('attribute'=>'my_field2', 'eq'=>'my_value2')
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