How can I stop dying SO FAST after running into someone decent in Fortnite? [closed]

Solution 1:

The main reason you are dying in Fortnite so fast is because Fortnite is now cross-platform, with every type of device. For example, although you may be playing with Switch players in a normal match, you may come across PC players, who more than likely have better specs and monitors than you. But, if you want to get better at Fortnite, here are some resources that might help you:

  1. 3D Aimtrainer - Helps increase aim with practice
  2. How to Get Faster Reaction Speed - A link that tells how to increase your reaction time, which is crucial for gaming
  3. PCGamer Best Fortnite Strategies - Another article that tells great strategies that significantly increase chances of victory

Of course, many other factors come into play, such as having a good monitor, good console, etc. But this is a good starting point to get better at gaming.