Solution 1:

Bioware have confirmed that there will be "active social" differences between the races, but there isn't anything that will affect the gameplay, just cosmetic differences.

Here's a list of the social abilities as we know of them at the moment:

  • Human - Rally: Rallies nearby allies.

  • Miraluka - Sense Force Alignment: Senses the target's alignment with the Force.

  • Twi'lek - Parlor dance: Perform an unique cultural dance.

  • Zabrak - Inspire loyalty: Inspires loyalty from nearby allies.

  • Mirialan - Focusing Ritual: Undergo a focusing ritual to rest and recuperate spirit.

  • Cyborg - Scan target: Scans target with a critical cybernetic eye.

  • Sith - Punish: Punish your companion for his or continued failures.

  • Rattataki - Shadowbox: Perform a series of mock blows, blocks and counters, warming up for the fight to come.

  • Chiss - Salute: Prompts nearby allies to stand at attention.