Can I preview iPhone photos on my MacBook display before actually importing?


I just took a ton of photos on my iPhone 6 in order to capture a few good ones (I'm a lousy photographer I suppose).

My MacBook Air has been chronically short of disk space for years (I'm a lousy system manager I suppose).


I'd like to preview images on the large screen of my MacBook one at a time before deciding which to import to my laptop and which to delete on the phone without importing. Is this possible?

Alternately, if I import say a group of photos at a time to my laptop, then delete the ones I don't want, can I simultaneously delete the originals on my iPhone from my MacBook? Does the Photos application have a "double-delete" or "delete here and on IOS device also" feature?

I just want to do this locally using the USB connection, "sans cloude".

There is a slider for the preview images but maxed out they are still only thumbnail size, and the differences I'm looking for require a full screen mode.

Thumbnail view only before import?

Alternately, if I import say a group of photos at a time to my laptop, then delete the ones I don't want, can I simultaneously delete the originals on my iPhone from my MacBook? Does the Photos application have a "double-delete" or "delete here and on IOS device also" feature?

As far as I am aware there is not such a feature unless the photo is in iCloud (guessing it’s not) where the photo would be deleted from all iCloud devices.

I know this doesn’t use USB as you wanted but a alternative is you uploading your photos on your iPhone to an online storage service such as Google Drive which gives you 15 GB free storage (no affiliation), you can then go on to Google Drive on your Mac and view the photos without downloading them and the ones you like you can download straight from there.

I like this method as after you know which ones you like you can download them straight away without importing them again. The only negative is it might take a while to upload all the photos from your iPhone if you have a lot of the, and slow internet.

I have done this several times before.