Why can't I see my character?

In the fourth game of The Elder Scrolls (Oblivion) I remember that I could see my own character, but now in Skyrim can't see myself anymore.

Why is that, or am I missing something?

Solution 1:

Do you mean you want a third-person view? On PC you can just scroll down or press F to switch into third-person view, and then scroll back up or press F again to switch back. On Xbox or PS3 you can click the right thumbstick in to toggle between first and third person views.

Solution 2:

You can see your character by simply pressing F: it changes the camera mode to third person/vanity. You can also hold the scroll wheel to rotate around your camera. There is no way to see your character in the menu like in Oblivion though.

Sometimes not being able to go into third person view can be caused by being in a tight area where the camera can't zoom out. Try going into an open area and pressing it a couple of times (sometimes it takes me 2-3 presses to get it to work); if it doesn't work I would say it's assigned to a different key. Go into Settings/Controls and check what key it is assigned to and use that one or reassign it.