IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) - HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized

IIS 7 also creates "IUSR" as default user to access files via IIS. So make user IUSR has read access to files/folders.

How to check if IUSR has read Access? Right Click -> Folder -> Properties -> Security Tab See if IUSR is in Group or user names list, If No.

Click Edit -> Add -> Advanced -> Find Now -> Select IUSR and click OK four times

Found this on another forum, so I cant take credit but i did it and it worked for me:

"Try changing the Anonymous authentication setting in IIS7:

Click on Authentication and click edit after choosing Anonymous Authentication. In the opening window select Application Pool identity and click OK. "

I had the same issue in IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008. For me, the following steps worked to fix the issue:

  • Open IIS Manager
  • Click the website you want to edit
  • Double-click Authentication
  • Click Anonymous Authentication, then click Edit... under Actions
  • Change to use the Application pool identity credentials instead of the Specific user (mine was IUSR)

After I made this change, my 401.3 errors disappeared.