What's the best way to find a perpendicular vector? [duplicate]

Let's say I have a vector like this: $⟨-2,7,4⟩$

What's the best way to find a perpendicular vector for this?

Right now I'm doing $-2x+7y+4z=0$

And plugging in random values for $x$, $y$, and $z$ until I get $0$. This can't be right, right?

You don't need the cross-product, as long as you have a scalar product. Remember, most vector spaces do not have a cross-product, but a lot of them do have a scalar product.

Take any arbitrary vector $\vec{r}$ that is not parallel to the given vector $\vec{v}$.

Then $\vec{q} = \vec{r} - \left(\frac{\vec{r}\cdot\vec{v}}{\vec{v}\cdot\vec{v}}\right) \vec{v}$ will be orthogonal to $\vec{v}$.

To prove this, just show that $\vec{q} \cdot \vec{v} = 0$, which just takes a little bit of algebra.

This process is the basis of the Gram-Schmidt process, an important process in linear algebra.

To answer a question you didn't ask, one might wonder "Is there a nice formula that consumes a unit vector $v = (a,b,c)$ and produces a unit vector perpendicular to $v$?" (Of course, if you have a way to produce a vector perpendicular to $v$, you can always divide by its length to get a UNIT vector.)

If by "nice formula", you mean "a triple of expressions involving $a,b,c$, each of which is a continuous function", then the answer is (somewhat surprisingly) "no".

Such a formula would provide, for each point of the unit sphere (the endpoint of your vector $v$) a vector $w$ which, translated to the tip of $v$, is tangent to the sphere, i.e., you'd get an everywhere nonzero continuous vector field on the unit sphere.

And such a thing cannot exist by the Morse Index Theorem.

This is one of my favorite examples of a nice simple-sounding question being tied to a deep theorem of topology.

Given any vector $(a,b,c)$, with $a,b,c\neq 0$, a fast way to find a perpendicular vector is to consider

$$(-b,a,0) \implies (a,b,c)\cdot (-b,a,0) =-ab+ba+0=0$$

or other similar combination of the components as for example $(-c,0,a)$ or $(0,c,-b)$.

When one or two components are equal to zero, find a perpendicular vector is trivial, e.g. $(a,b,0)\perp (0,0,c)$.

If we are interested to find a triple of orthogonal vectors, starting from one given vector, assuming $a,b,c \neq 0$, we can proceed as follows:

  1. The starting vector contains two zero components, the orthogonal triple is

$$v_1=(a,0,0) \quad v_2=0,b,0) \quad v_3=(0,0,c)$$

  1. The starting vector contains one zero components, one orthogonal triple is

$$v_1=(a,b,0) \quad v_2=(-b,a,0) \quad v_3=(0,0,c)$$

  1. The starting vector doesn't contain zero components, one orthogonal triple is

$$v_1=(a,b,c) \quad v_2=(-b,a,0) \quad v_3=v_1 \times v_2 = (-ac,-bc,a^2+b^2)$$