Which part of iPhone is responsible for radiation

I wonder what part of the iPhone is responsible for the radiation? Is it battery?

Solution 1:

Your question is ambiguous. There are many different types of radiation, but you didn't specify which type. @MikeScott has indicated the iPhone's primary sources of radio frequency radiation in his answer, but these are not the only ones.

  • the screen radiates electromagnetic radiation in the form of light

  • the battery radiates heat which is also a form of electromagnetic radiation

  • all of the circuitry in the iPhone radiates electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves and heat

  • the speakers radiate acoustic waves

So there are many components in an iPhone responsible for radiation.

Solution 2:

By radiation, I'm assuming you mean the creation of electromagnetic waves and not the movement of sub-atomic particles like X-Rays.

In that case, it would be the transmitter (technically the transceiver since it's an all in one device). It's the transmitter that generates the electromagnetic waves at their respective frequencies with embedded data through the antennas that creates this radiation.

How a Transmitter Works

Transmitter Picture

There's three components to a transmitter

  • Oscillator creates the "carrier wave" at a specified frequency. This is the LTE, GSM or PCS frequencies that your carrier (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc.) uses.

  • Modulator embeds all of the data onto the wave signal generated by the oscillator

  • Amplifier (with antenna) takes that signal and increases it's power so that it's strong enough to reach the closest receiver.

Particle Radiation

If you're referring to the movement of sub-atomic particles from your iPhone, there isn't any. There's no component (like the battery you mentioned) with any degree of radioactivity (This is the "dangerous radiation"). It would be illegal to sell that to the general public.